Friday, June 6, 2008

Baseball Hitters: Last Blog

So I tried to do as much as I could to answer my big question. "Do some players have advantages over others because of where they play?"

I found out a few things I didn’t know about baseball, like that baseball parks are all different, have different size fields and players play in different weather in different cities.

Many different players can play at different fields and be good at where they play, but there’s other fields that have different dimensions in the outfield, which can favor hitters but also can favor pitchers. The parks that players aren’t really used to may effect them differently then people who have played there before and used to what it's like. Some rookies coming into the Majors may start off bad, or may do well where they’re going to play. People may not do well when they first start off but I’m sure after the season progresses they will get used to where they’re playing at.

Big power hitters love to play at fields with shorter lengths at the home run wall. Because they have better chances of making home runs, instead of playing at fields with longer home run walls, because this would favor the pitcher a lot because then hitters will have a harder chance of getting the ball over the wall.

I feel that where players play, it does effect how they play and some of the players do have advantages over others. I thinks it's all about where they play is how its going to effect how there going to play.