Tuesday, April 22, 2008


When I stared looking up stuff about drifting i wanted to know what i could to do to be a good drifter. So i went to wikipedia and they had a lot of info on the sport. They had stuff from the top cars from the the top drivers to Techniques. One technique that i knew already was were you push in the clutch and pull the e-brake. But one that i not know of was downshifting.Its for very tight corners, allowing the driver to approach the corner at a slower speed and lower revs, while allowing quick acceleration when exiting the corner. But this technique can be very damaging to the engine. One way that i would have never thought of is pushing in and out your clutch to send a shock through the powertrain, upsetting the car's balance making the back wheels to slip. The 1st way seems easy but the 2nd and 3rd way seems very had to try.

(2008,04,23). Drifting (motorsport). Retrieved April 24, 2008, Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drifting_(motorsport)


The Kielbasa said...

Personally, I don't think drifting is a sport, but it is quite interesting. I can verify that you're engrossed with your topic and probably create some of your best work. Keep looking for more information and you'll make your fellow blogmate proud.

BaBYfAcE said...

I'm kind of thinking that you cant research on how to be a good drifter, thats just my opinion.
I kind of think that maybe its all about how you can handle the car but then you can learn about when to hit the E-Break maybe or when to give it more gas. I think drifting starts as just a fun thing, but then it gets technical when you plan to make a living off of it.