Friday, May 2, 2008

Baseball Hitters: Pursuing the search

So after being stumped on this topic, Mr. Malley came across a site that would help me in my search. We were looking at MLB Park Factors and this shows what advantages some parks have to the pitcher and what advantages some parks have on the batter.

It gives the rates of the stats of players playing at home, versus the rate of stats on the road. It gives the rates that if the rate is over a 1.000 then the park favors the hitter. If it is below 1.000 then the park favors the pitcher.

If you take a look at the rates of the stats, it shows Coors Field in Denver,Coloradao is number two on the charts with a 1.290, this would mean this park may favor the batter more then it does the pitcher. I would think this because in Colorado its higher up in elevation an the air is much thinner, which may affect the away team because since the Rockies are used to being around that type of air, they know how to work with it and play ball better then an away team.

Since at Coors Field the game is played at higher altitude it gives the baseball that is pitched a much different speed when it crosses the plate from when its released from the pitchers hand. If the pitcher pitchers 95mhp the ball will cross the plate at around 85mhp reducing the speed by 10 percent.

Coors Field, in the last two seasons has had the most runs in the majors. This stadium is proven to be homer friendly, no matter how far the center field wall is(419ft) or how far the left center wall is(390ft) hitters seem to make it over the wall with the cause of the mountain airthat aids to the fly balls.

Nathan, Alan. "Baseball at High Altitude." The Physics of Baseball 30/10/2007

"Park Factors." ESPN MLB. 18/05/2008. 19 May 2008

Lopuch, Jonathan. "Baseball Effects." NEWS & ANALYSIS MLB 05/05/2006 20 May 2008

1 comment:

Toucan said...

Baby face this is some good information. I didnt really think that parks would have effect on hitters it was just a joke but the stuff your giving shows that parks really do have effects on hitters. But i know once you go pro no park will effect you.