Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk, pages: 45-198

Ah the book has taken an interesting turn. No longer are cast of characters inside a bus, but rather inside an old abandoned theater house. The only problem would be claustrophobia, which would take effect on me in all most no time if i knew i was not getting out of that confined space for at least 3 months. But then again with certain events, such as cutting the furnace wires, the food rations destroyed and the only man who knows where the key is just died. For some of the characters the phobia has set in and taken its toll on them. One character in particular, Lady Baglady, actually cut off her own ear as an attempt to be taken out of there. But even though she did this, Mr. Whitter did not comply and she died in plain sight of everyone. On the whole of the story, setting has played a big part. I don't think that it takes away from the story, but it enhances it. When faced with adversity, in living space, one most overcome and push through if he or she wants to be recognized as the most level headed of the group. A person who everyone can look to if something goes awry.


Mr. Malley said...

Dan, I get what you're saying. So, this post is about setting and you are explaining the effect of setting. Make sure you start off with your main point and build around it. I see you getting a bit lost in this response and going from here to there and everywhere. In college you'll need to develop one point over a number of pages. Try to start developing that practice.

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