Thursday, January 31, 2008

What's the President actually got to do with it?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams: p. 23-47

The craziness of this book continues, he open with an amazing flip, and then continues on a path with several differnet stops along the way. Adams introduces a character who is the President of the Galaxy, and his name is Zaphod Beeblebrox. (He's clearly not from around here.) Zaphod holds the title of the President, but there is one little problem with this, the President is absolutely powerless. Every now and then he makes a quote that is important, but otherwise he is just like a business man among working class. But then again with his few statements or quotes he has the people waiting on baited breath for what he is about to say to them. At the moment, Zaphod plays actually no role in the book besides an announcement but maybe that could change. Otherwise it's like he a man you pass on the street do remember him if he has jeans and a coat on, no. If he wearing giant sunglasses, a sombero, or maybe even boa like Hulk Hogan, then I would like to say yes. With the destruction of the Earth, Zaphod really isn't that bothered, in fact he could care less. He is the type of guy who can see a murder and think only of the mud on his shoes. I really believe that he might be a mental patient, or just a plain old headcase. But, as I said before, maybe he will become more important. I would say probably not, what would Adams want with a dumb dumb as his main character.


BaBYfAcE said...

I like this. Kielbasa, you really put out the character in the post. i think the way you present the character really seems like I should just go and read the book. And find out more about this character and see if he really is a headcase as you described.

Mr. Malley said...

Beeblebrox is certainly a bumbling bureaucrat. Good response, but end with a question.